Wednesday, April 9, 2014

o   Helping a homeless man
o   If somebody drops money take it to them
o   If somebody has a flat tire ask if they need a ride
o   If you see somebody’s injured go out and help them
o   A dog trying to cross the road stop and help it
o   Your brother/sister needs help with homework help them
o   You see your mom/dad needs help around the house help her or him
o   A family needs help with their kids help
o   And elderly person to get things they cant
o   Your little sibling need help reaching something
o   Your teacher needs help organizing offer your help
o   Help your mom with groceries
o   Help an adult if needed with their groceries
o   Clean up the table after dinner
o   Help clean the house
o   If somebody needs money give them some change
o   A friend need help to cheer up help them
o   Somebody has been having a rough day try and help them out
o   A younger kid down the stairs
o   A kid is lost help them find their parent
o   Help a person find their missing animal if needed
o   Help with the trash
o   Get the mail
o   Help with the siblings so your parents can rest

o   A classmate needs help with work help them out or at least try and help 

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